Backend Dev with Node.js & MongoDB Certification Course | Enroll Now
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Full-Stack Mastery: Node.js, Express.js & MongoDB

Full-Stack Mastery: Node.js, Express.js & MongoDB

Full-Stack Mastery: Node.js, Express.js & MongoDB


Career 💼 Prep Services including Mock Interviews, Resume Help, Portfolio Setup, Interview Prep & Job Listings and a bonus 💰 elective course on React Fundamentals.

⚡ Certification Course - Earn a career credential that demonstrates your expertise

Elevate your backend skills with "Full-Stack Mastery: Node.js, Express.js & MongoDB," a 10-week journey to mastering server-side development. Learn the nuts and bolts of Node.js, Express.js, RESTful API creation, and MongoDB for NoSQL database management. Engage in hands-on projects to solidify your understanding of dynamic backend systems. Perfect for aspiring developers, this course prepares you to craft scalable, efficient backends for cutting-edge web applications. Unlock the potential to develop compelling backends and step confidently into the world of full-stack development.

Endorsed by

American Council on Education Logo

10 Weeks

Program Duration


Course Schedule


Mentor Support

360 Degree

Career Support

USP of University of Emerging Technologies Certification Courses

Key Highlights

📂 360° Skill Development: Delve into the core of backend development, mastering MongoDB, Node.js, and Express.js, while also understanding asynchronous programming, data flow, user authentication, and file management.

📈 Expert-Led Instruction: Learn from experienced industry professionals who provide personalized mentorship throughout the program.

👥 1:1 Doubt Clearance: Benefit from 1:1 dedicated support via our LMS or Skype ensuring that all your queries and doubts are addressed promptly and thoroughly

🏢 Industry-Recognized Certification: Earn a highly valued and recognized certification upon course completion that validates your expertise and boosts your professional credibility.

💻 Hands-on Experience: Build a To-Do application, a Blog platform, a File Manager, and a Real-Time Chat Application, getting hands-on experience of creating full-stack applications.

💼 Career Services: Benefit from career support services including resume reviews and interview preparation to ensure you're job-ready.

♾️ Lifetime Access to Course Material: Have perpetual access to all course materials for review and updates as the industry evolves.

🏪 Flexible Learning: Learn at your own pace and convenience with our online platform, fitting the program seamlessly into your life.

🚀 Four Stellar Reasons to Enroll in Our Full-Stack Mastery: Node.js, Express.js & MongoDB Course Today!

High Demand, High Salary

Gain expertise in Node.js and MongoDB for roles at companies like IBM and Amazon, with salaries up to $125,000.

Future-proof Career

Equip yourself with backend development skills in Node.js and MongoDB, essential for scalable web applications.

Top Companies are Hiring

Join innovators like Netflix and LinkedIn that rely on Node.js and MongoDB for robust backend solutions.

Potential Job Titles

Become a Backend Developer or Full Stack Engineer, crucial for developing high-performance web services.

Skills Gained

✔️ Deep Understanding of Server-Side Programming: Learners will master the fundamentals of Node.js and Express.js and understand their roles in server-side development.

✔️ Proficiency in Building RESTful APIs: Learners will develop skills to design and implement RESTful APIs, facilitating effective communication between client-side and server-side components.

✔️ Advanced Application of Middleware: Learners will implement and manage middleware for various functionalities in web applications, enhancing performance and security.

✔️ Effective Database Management with MongoDB: Learners will demonstrate expertise in using MongoDB for database operations, including complex querying and data aggregation.

✔️ Developing Secure Authentication Systems: Learners will create robust authentication mechanisms, focusing on security best practices like encryption and session management.

✔️ File Handling and Storage Solutions: Learners will gain proficiency in managing file uploads, downloads, and storage, both locally and using cloud services like Cloudinary.

✔️ Real-world Project Development: Learners will apply acquired skills in a series of projects, addressing real-world challenges in full-stack development.

✔️ Comprehensive Understanding of NoSQL Databases: Learners will develop an in-depth understanding of NoSQL database concepts, particularly with MongoDB, for efficient data handling.

✔️ Critical Evaluation of Web Applications: Learners will assess critically web applications for performance, scalability, and user experience.

✔️ Integration of Frontend and Backend Technologies: Learners will integrate frontend and backend technologies successfully, demonstrating a holistic approach to full-stack development.

✔️ Problem-Solving and Debugging Skills: Learners will enhance problem-solving abilities and debugging skills in complex development environments.

✔️ Collaboration and Project Management: Learners will develop collaborative skills and effectively manage full-stack development projects.

⚡ Curriculum Designed by Experts - 6 Module Series

Module 1: Introduction to Node.js and Express.js

  • Foundations First: Unpack Node.js and Express.js - installation to creating servers.

  • Project: Weather App - Serve up real-time forecasts.

  • Toolkit: Node.js, Express.js setup, HTTP request handling.

Module 2: Building Dynamic Applications - The To-Do List

  • Task Tracker: Build a to-do list app, mastering server-side logic and CRUD operations.

  • Project: Task Management System - A productivity booster.

  • Toolkit: Express.js routing, request/response management.

Module 3: Storytelling with Blogging Platforms

  • Content Creation: Dive into creating a blogging platform with user-generated content.

  • Project: Blogging Application - Share stories globally.

  • Toolkit: Middleware, form handling, database integration.

Module 4: Fortifying Applications - Secure Authentication

  • Privacy Matters: Implement encryption, tokenization, and session management for secure logins.

  • Project: Bulletproof Authentication System - Secure user data.

  • Toolkit: Encryption libraries, JWT, session management strategies.

Capstone Project Details

Capstone Project Details

Developing a Real-Time Chat Application for Zenith Corp

As a Full-Stack Developer at Zenith Corp, you are entrusted with the pivotal task of developing "ZenithChatApp," a cutting-edge real-time chat application designed to revolutionize internal team communication. Click here to view details. 


From Learning to Earning: We're with You Every Step of the Way!

Learn more about UET's Career Services

Career Counselling

Unlock your ideal career path with guidance from our experts, who tailor opportunities to your unique interests.

Process Involved: 

✔️ Assessing your strengths and pinpointing areas for growth to align with your career aspirations.

✔️ Setting strategic goals to enhance your employability and achieve optimal career outcomes.

Resume Review

Our experts will also help you understand the expectations of the industry so as to help you prepare your resume better.

Process Involved:
✔️ Evaluate your resume as a prospective employer
✔️ Determining areas that might require additional emphasis
✔️ Tips on best resume practices catered to job applications

Interview Preparation

These interviews are customised to the roles that you are applying for. Feedback is also provided at the end of the interviews.

Process Involved:
✔️ A detailed review of the interview
✔️ Identifying what you did well and ways to improve
✔️ Objective feedback about your competencies in relation to job applications

Fee Structure of University of Emerging Technologies

Invest in your future today!

What do you get?

✅ One-on-One Mentorship: Get personalized guidance from industry professionals.

Hands-on Training: Learn through practical modules and real-world projects.

Resume Building Support: Enhance your professional profile with our dedicated assistance

Mock Interviews: Practice and prepare for job interviews with expert feedback

Access to Job Listings: Explore new opportunities with exclusive access to listings.

Internship Opportunity: Qualify for potential internships with our Corporate Partners

Your Investment

Currently Available at a Special Discount



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Read Success Stories

Michael Edwards

Michael Edwards

An incredible journey through full-stack development. I feel fully equipped to tackle backend projects.

Olivia Walker

Olivia Walker

The balance of Express, Node.js, and MongoDB content in this course is just right. Engaging and informative.

Noah Sharma

Noah Sharma

This course has been pivotal in my transition to full-stack development. The instructors are knowledgeable and approachable.

Hear from our Learners

VideoTestimonial by Successful UET Alumni

Rebecca Thomas

Meet Rebecca James, a proud UET alumni and successful web developer. She completed her Web Development Certification course at UET and has since built an impressive portfolio. Now, Rebecca has returned to share her wisdom with our community. In this exclusive tutorial video, she provides insightful tips and shares her unique journey to inspire current and prospective students. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from one of our accomplished alumni. Check out Rebecca's tutorial video now!

VideoTestimonial by Successful UET Alumni

Wallace Mecha

We are excited to share the success story of one of our alumni, Wallace Mecha, a Full Stack Development Certification Course graduate. Wallace's dedication and hard work during his time at UET has led him to land an exciting part-time role in his desired field. His achievement stands as a testament to UET's commitment to guiding students towards their career goals. Join us in celebrating Wallace's success and get inspired for your own journey. Start your Full Stack development journey with UET today.

Like what you hear from our learners?

Take the first step! 


Frequently Asked Questions

❓What experience do the course instructors have? ⚡Our instructors are industry professionals with extensive experience in full-stack development, specializing in Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB. They bring valuable insights from the field to enrich your learning experience. ❓How many hours per week do I need to commit? ⚡While our courses are self-paced to fit your schedule, we recommend dedicating 10-15 hours a week. This ensures steady progress and maximizes your learning experience. ❓What type of support can I expect during the course? ⚡Students receive dedicated 1:1 support from an academic enabler, along with comprehensive career preparation services including resume and LinkedIn profile optimization, and interview preparation to ensure job market readiness. ❓How many projects will I complete in this course? ⚡You'll engage in multiple projects throughout the course, culminating in a capstone project where you'll apply your skills to develop a fully functional Real-Time Chat Application, demonstrating your backend proficiency. ❓Will I get a certificate upon course completion? ⚡Yes, students who achieve an overall score of 80% or higher will receive a certificate, validating your expertise in backend technologies, which you can proudly display on your LinkedIn profile and resume. ❓What is the course's refund policy? ⚡We offer a 2-day no-questions-asked refund policy, giving you a risk-free opportunity to evaluate the course's fit with your learning goals and career aspirations. ❓How will this course help enhance my LinkedIn profile? ⚡The career prep included in the course provides specific guidance on optimizing your LinkedIn profile to highlight your new full-stack development skills, projects you've completed, and the certificate you've earned, making you more visible to recruiters. ❓What career paths are available after completing this course? ⚡Graduates are well-prepared for roles such as Backend Developer, Full-Stack Developer, Node.js Developer, and more, in industries ranging from tech startups to large corporations. ❓What salary can I expect after completing this course? ⚡While salaries can vary widely based on location, experience, and the specific company, full-stack developers with backend expertise like Node.js and Express.js can expect salaries ranging from $70,000 to over $120,000 annually. ❓What are the prerequisites for enrolling in this course? ⚡A fundamental knowledge of JavaScript and web development, along with familiarity with HTML and CSS, and strong problem-solving skills, are required for success in this course. ❓Can you provide more details about the capstone project? ⚡The capstone project involves creating a Real-Time Chat Application, allowing you to apply your knowledge of Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, and other backend technologies to develop a dynamic and interactive web application from scratch. ❓What is the duration and format of the course? ⚡The course spans approximately 138 hours over 10 weeks, delivered online through a blend of live and recorded sessions, offering flexibility while ensuring comprehensive learning.

Be Future Ready

Take the first step! 

*Please note: We're committed to providing the best, most relevant education. That means the specifics of our course content, included projects, and the capstone project may vary as we continually update and improve the course. However, the core learning experience and objectives will always remain top-notch and comprehensive.

Learner Support at University of Emerging Technologies

 UET Support

*Please note that for the purpose of training and maintaining high-quality service, all phone and WhatsApp conversations may be recorded. We appreciate your understanding.

*If we are not immediately available to answer your call or respond to your message, it is deemed that we have your consent to contact you later in response. We appreciate your patience and look forward to assisting you.

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