Fullstack Web Development Specialization Program: Learn Fullstack Development from Industry Experts and Earn College Credits - University of Emerging Technologies (UET)
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Fullstack Web Developer Specialization

Master the art of web development using UET's Specialization Program!

The Fullstack Web Developer Specialization is designed to equip learners with the necessary skills and knowledge to develop cutting-edge web applications. This comprehensive program covers four essential courses, including Web Development Certification Training, React JS Certification Training Course, Node.js Certification Training Course, and MongoDB Certification Training Course. By the end of this specialization, you will be proficient in creating websites using HTML5, CSS3, Twitter Bootstrap 3, jQuery, and Google APIs, building scalable web applications using Express Framework and MongoDB, and deploying them using Nginx.


Paid Learners


Recommended 12-15 hrs/week


Transferable College Credits*

June 19, 2023

Course Start Date



Key Highlights

In-depth training on various Fullstack web development technologies, including HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, React, Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB

Hands-on experience building responsive web applications with cutting-edge tools like Twitter Bootstrap 3, jQuery, and Google APIs

Practical knowledge in creating scalable web applications and deploying them using Nginx and Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)

Learn from industry experts with real-world experience in Fullstack Development

Flexible learning options with online recorded lectures and live 1:1 doubt clearance sessions with an academic enabler

Eligibility for 6 ACE recommended credits, 4 course completion certificates and a specialization completion certificate to add to your resume

Access to virtual labs for 6 months to practice and implement concepts learned in the course

Career prep support to help you land your dream job in Fullstack Web Development

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Specialization Format

Get ready to create impressive websites and master the latest full-stack web development technologies with our comprehensive specialization. Gain hands-on experience through real-life case studies and virtual labs with 1:1 support to help you succeed in this fast-growing field


Hours of Content

Practical Examples 

Hands-On Lab Exercises

Real-life Projects

Fullstack Tools & Technologies Covered

Course Access

Doubt Clearance Sessions 

Dedicated Mentor Support for 6 months

Course Completion Certificates

Specialization Completion Certificate

College Credits recommended by ACE

Months free Access to Virtual Labs

Specialization Syllabus

Web Development Certification Training

This course will provide you with a strong foundation in web development using HTML5, CSS3, Twitter Bootstrap 3, jQuery, Social Plugins and Google APIs. You'll learn to create impressive websites and deploy them to Amazon Simple Storage Service(S3). Upon completion of this course, you'll earn a Web Developer certificate. Key Learning Objectives 1. Develop an understanding of the fundamentals of web development including HTML5, CSS3, jQuery and Javascript 2. Learn how to create responsive web pages using Bootstrap 3, Tailwind, and integrate Social Plugins and Google APIs 3. Gain practical experience in deploying web applications to Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) 4. Build and launch a website using industry-standard web development tools and techniques Tools and Technologies Covered: 1. HTML5 2. CSS3 3. Javascript 4. JQuery 5. Twitter Bootstrap 3 6. Tailwind 7. Google APIs 8. Social Plugins 9. Amazon Simple Storage Service(S3) Hands-On 1. Creating a Tom Cruise Fan Club Web Page using HTML 2. Creating an About Linux Founders Page and applying CSS styles to page elements. 3. Building interactive forms and a calculator using JavaScript 4. Building a travel blog website using Bootstrap. 5. Building a Discord frontend using Tailwind CSS. 6. Dynamic Product Sorting using jQuery 7. Building a Local Restaurant Finder using Google Maps API 8. Adding social media share buttons to a personal blog 9. Creating a personal hobby website and deploying it on Amazon S3. 10. Creating a travel website with multiple pages, dynamic content, social media integration, and responsive design.

Estimated timeline:
5 weeks, with approximately 10 hours of coursework per week

9 Modules

React JS Certification Training Course

In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of React, Redux, and React Native, and how to use them to build efficient and scalable web applications. The course is designed to be hands-on, with real-world case studies and projects to help you gain practical experience with React development. Key Learning Objectives 1. Understand the basics of React, including components, JSX, and props 2. Learn how to build and manage state with Redux 3. Build more complex components and integrate them into larger design systems 4. Work with asynchronous programming using Redux-Saga middleware 5. Fetch data using GraphQL 6. Perform testing using Jest 7. Deploy applications using Nginx Tools and Technologies Covered 1. React 2. Redux 3. React Native 4. GraphQL 5. Jest 6. Nginx Hands-On Throughout the course, you will work on hands-on projects and case studies to gain practical experience with React development. You will build components, integrate them into larger design systems, and deploy applications using Nginx. You will also have access to virtual labs to practice and implement the concepts learned in the course.

Estimated timeline:
4 weeks, with approximately 10 hours of coursework per week

6 Modules

Node.js Certification Training Course

In this course, you will learn how to develop scalable web applications using Node.js and Express Framework and deploy them using Nginx. You will gain in-depth knowledge of REST APIs, implement testing, build applications using microservices architecture and build a real-time chat application using Socket IO. Key Learning Objectives 1. Gain a clear understanding of Node.js and what makes it popular. 2. Learn how to use Node Package Manager (NPM) and Nodemon. 3. Build scalable web applications using Express Framework and deploy them using Nginx. 4. Develop asynchronous Node.js applications using Call stack, Callback queue, and Event Loop mechanism. 5. Work with NoSQL Database – MongoDB, and send emails via Node.js application. 6. Learn to run queries via Node.js application along with some important aspects of Node.js like REST APIs, setting up Mongoose, Postman Installation, and GraphQL. 7. Write your application using ES6, and secure your application by implementing API 8. Authentication and User authentication using JSON Web Tokens (JWT). 9. Build Real-time Chat Application using Socket.IO. 10. Test your Node.js applications using Mocha and Chai. Tools and Technologies Covered: 1. Node.js 2. NPM 3. Nodemon 4. Express Framework 5. PM2 6. Nginx 7. Call stack 8. Callback queue 9. Event Loop mechanism 10. MongoDB 11. SendGrid 12. REST APIs 13. Postman 14. GraphQL 15. ES6 16. JSON Web Tokens (JWT) 17. Socket.IO 18. Mocha 19. Chai Hands-On: 1. Installation of Node.js and Visual Studio Code 2. Installation of GIT and push codes to GIT repository 3. Build an API using express, read file with FS module, and deploy the application using PM2 and Nginx 4. Create A Weather Application 5. Connecting MongoDB and Node.js 6. Sending Email Via Node.js Application Using SendGrid 7. Working Of mongodb API, Mongoose API and GraphQL API 8. Build a Dashboard Application Using ES6 concepts 9. Build a Login Application 10. Creating a Realtime Chat Application using Socket.io 11. Build an API using Redis 12. Perform Testing with Mocha and Chai.

Estimated timeline:
4 weeks, with approximately 10 hours of coursework per week

12 Modules

MongoDB Certification Training Course 

In the MongoDB Certification Training course, you will learn about the leading document-oriented NoSQL database and its architecture, CRUD operations, schema design and data modeling, indexing and aggregation framework, administration, scalability and availability, security, tools, and cloud offerings. You will gain hands-on experience through real-life case studies and practical projects. Key Learning Objectives: 1. Understand the concepts of NoSQL databases and MongoDB® architecture 2. Learn how to install MongoDB® and its associated tools 3. Understand data modeling schemas and relationships, and apply them in various real-time contexts 4. Perform CRUD operations and optimize queries 5. Create multiple types of indexes and use aggregation framework 6. Administer database health, backup, recovery, and performance tuning 7. Understand MongoDB® high availability, disaster recovery, and load balancing 8. Set up authentication, encryption, and integration with various tools and applications 9. Use MongoDB® tools to develop and deploy applications 10. Host or manage MongoDB® deployments on cloud offerings 11. Diagnose and fix common production issues Tools and Technologies Used MongoDB, JSON, BSON, Replica Sets, Sharded Clusters, Indexes, Aggregation Framework, MapReduce, Java, Hadoop, Hive, Pentaho, Jaspersoft, Robomongo, R, MongoDB Stitch, MongoDB Atlas, MongoDB Cloud Manager, MongoDB Ops Manager Hands-On 1. MongoDB installation and environment setup 2. Data modeling in HR and RDBMS 3. CRUD operations using MongoDB® Shell 4. Work with Aggregations 5. Import and Export of Data to and from MongoDB 6. Replication setup 7. Set up Sharding 8. Integration scenarios 9. MongoDB with R integration 10. MongoDB Cloud Manager – exploring

Estimated timeline:
3 weeks, with approximately 10 hours of coursework per week

10 Modules

Success Stories

Young Student

Dave Miller, Toronto

"I had been looking for a comprehensive fullstack web development program for months, and the UET specialization was exactly what I was looking for. The instructors were knowledgeable and experienced, and the flexible learning options allowed me to balance my studies with my busy work schedule. Thanks to this course, I was able to land a job as a fullstack web developer within months of completing the program.

Happy Portrait

Maria Garcia, Los Angeles

I was pleasantly surprised to learn that the Fullstack Web Development Specialization from UET was eligible for ACE credit recommendation. This not only helped me save time and money, but also helped me graduate faster and added significant value to my resume. The comprehensive coursework and hands-on projects in the specialization provided me with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the field of web development. I highly recommend this specialization to anyone looking to advance their career in this fast-growing industry.


Samir Patel, Mumbai

As someone with no prior web development experience, I was hesitant to enroll in a fullstack program. But the UET specialization was the perfect fit for me. The course started with the basics and gradually built up to more advanced topics, and the instructors were patient and encouraging throughout. I particularly enjoyed the 1:1 sessions with the cademic enablers which helped me clear all my doubts. Thanks to this course, I'm now a fullstack web developer at a leading startup in India!

Smiling Student Sitting At Desk

Emily Johnson, London

The Fullstack Web Development specialization from UET exceeded my expectations in every way. The content was up-to-date and relevant, and the hands-on projects were challenging but rewarding. I appreciated the 1:1 support I received from my academic enabler, who was always available to answer my questions and provide guidance. Thanks to this course, I feel confident in my ability to build and deploy complex web applications.

Pricing & Payment Options

With this program, you'll get access to all four courses mentioned below,  6 ACE-approved college credits upon completion, 1:1 live support from our experienced instructors, real-world examples and case studies, career preparation and guidance, and access to virtual labs for six months to practice your skills.

Course Name







Web Development Certification Training

React JS Certification Training Course

Node.js Certification Training Course

MongoDB Certification Training Course

6 ACE College Credits($500 per credit)


$ 4550

$ 1547

No hidden charges. Flexible Payment Options Available.

66% OFF, You Save $ 3003


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Will I get hands-on experience in the Fullstack Web Development Specialization? A: Absolutely! Our course is designed to provide you with hands-on experience in building real-world applications using various web development technologies. You'll work on numerous projects throughout the course, allowing you to apply what you've learned and gain practical experience. Q: What kind of support can I expect during the course? A: We offer comprehensive support throughout the course to help you succeed. You'll have access to our academic enablers for 1:1 doubt clearance sessions, and you can also engage with your peers through our online community forums. Plus, you'll have access to virtual labs for six months, where you can practice and implement the concepts you learn. Q: Is this specialization eligible for college credit? A: Yes, this specialization is eligible for 6 lower-division college credits recommended by ACE. Q: How long does the Fullstack Web Development Specialization take to complete? A: The course is designed to be completed in approximately four months, with flexible learning options to fit your schedule. However, we understand that everyone learns at their own pace, so you have the option to complete the course faster or slower depending on your needs. Q: Will I receive a certificate after completing the Fullstack Web Development Specialization? A: Yes, upon completing all four courses, you will receive a course completion certificate for each course, and a specialization certificate for the entire Fullstack Web Development Specialization. Additionally, upon passing the proctored exam with a minimum score of 70%, you will be eligible to receive 6 ACE recommended credits, which are widely recognized by top companies and universities. Q: Do I need to have any prior web development experience to enroll in this course? A: No! The Fullstack Web Development Specialization is designed for beginners and experienced developers alike. We cover all the necessary web development technologies from the ground up, so you don't need any prior experience to get started. However, if you do have some experience, you'll still find the course valuable as it covers advanced topics as well. Q: How will the Fullstack Web Development Specialization help me in my career? A: With the rise of digital transformation, fullstack web development has become an essential skill for any developer. Our specialization provides you with the latest and most in-demand technologies to build and deploy web applications. You'll gain practical experience and knowledge, making you more marketable and increasing your chances of landing your dream job. Q: How is the grade calculated for this specialization? A: Your grade for this specialization will be calculated out of 1200 points. The minimum score required to pass and become eligible for college credit for this course is 840 points, or an overall course grade of 70%. Q: What if I'm not satisfied with the course? A: We offer users a three (4)-day, no-questions-asked money-back guarantee on all courses. If you are not satisfied with the course for any reason, simply let us know within four days of your purchase, and we will issue a full refund.

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