JavaScript Developer Internship
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JavaScript Developer Training & Internship (Remote)

JavaScript Developer Training & Internship (Remote)

Delve into the world of JavaScript with our dedicated Javascript Developer Internship. This 1-month program is crafted to transform beginners into skilled developers capable of building dynamic web applications. 

Through a series of structured projects—including creating an interactive calculator and a brick breaker game—you will learn the nuances of JavaScript, enhancing both your logical thinking and coding skills. 

Whether you aspire to become a front-end, back-end, or full-stack developer, this immersive experience is your gateway to a flourishing career in technology.

6 LD

Credit Hours*


Start Date

1 Month


Training + Internship


1-on-1 Live


Office Scene

About the Internship

​Selected intern's day-to-day responsibilities include: 

1. Write clean, efficient, and reusable JavaScript code.
2. Develop user interface components with HTML5 and CSS3.
3. Implement interactive features like chat applications and games.
4. Test and debug your code using developer tools.
5. Collaborate with other team members on coding projects.
6. Participate in code reviews and refine your coding techniques.
7. Stay updated with the latest JavaScript frameworks and libraries.
8. Assist in the design of algorithms to solve complex problems.
9. Manage time effectively to meet project deadlines.
10. Provide innovative ideas to enhance application functionality.
11. Document your coding process and learnings for future reference.
12. Engage actively in learning sessions and group discussions.

Exciting Industry Trends

2x Interactive Web Apps

The demand for developers skilled in interactive web solutions is projected to double by 2025, reflecting the increasing importance of engaging user experiences.

$90,000 Starting Salary

Starting salaries for JavaScript developers now average $90,000, with a steep upward trend as businesses invest more in advanced web technologies.

40% More E-Com Apps

With a 40% growth rate since 2020, JavaScript developers are in high demand to enhance e-commerce platforms for better customer engagement.

Check what our participants have to say


Mark Johnson
Senior Web Developer, Innovative Tech Solutions

Transformative Learning Experience

"This internship pushed my boundaries in developing robust web applications using JavaScript. The expert-led sessions and hands-on projects greatly sharpened my technical skills."

Our Corporate Partners

Successful UET Alumni Employer
Successful UET Alumni Employer

Fable Stable

Successful UET Alumni Employer
Successful UET Alumni Employer
Successful UET Alumni Employer

Capstone Projects

#1 Beyond Numbers: Building an Interactive Calculator

You have been hired as a JavaScript Developer at Innovative Solutions, a company renowned for its creative web applications. Your first project is to develop a dynamic calculator that showcases not only your JavaScript skills but also your understanding of HTML and CSS. 

#2 Brick Breaker Game Development

This project entails building a fully functional brick breaker game. This project will require you to apply all the JavaScript skills acquired during the internship, from game logic to UI/UX design, ensuring a dynamic and engaging user experience

List of skills that participants will acquire

1. Core JavaScript Proficiency: Master essential JavaScript elements like variables, loops, functions, and data structures for dynamic web interactions.
2. Advanced JavaScript Techniques: Learn advanced asynchronous techniques including closures, promises, and async/await to enhance code efficiency.
3. Responsive Web Design: Acquire skills in CSS3 and HTML5 to ensure your web applications adapt and function across different devices.
4. Debugging and Testing: Use tools like Chrome DevTools to improve code reliability and resolve issues swiftly.
5. Project Management and Collaboration: Enhance teamwork using version control systems like Git, fostering effective collaboration.
6. Problem-Solving and Algorithmic Thinking: Strengthen your coding and problem-solving skills through targeted exercises, readying you for technical interviews.
7. JavaScript Event Handling: Deepen your understanding of event handling to create interactive and responsive user interfaces.
8. JSON and AJAX: Gain proficiency in using JSON for data interchange and AJAX for seamless server communication without page reloads.

Internship Porgram by UET

From Training to Career: We've Got Your Back!

Included with Every Internship Program

Career Counselling

Navigate your career path with personalized counseling from our experts who align your goals with market demands

Key Benefits:

✔️ Personalized assessments to discover your unique strengths.
✔️ Custom goal setting to map out your successful career path.

Resume & Interview Prep

Enhance your marketability with expertly tailored resume feedback and focused interview training.

Services Include:

✔️ 1:1 resume evaluations from an employer’s perspective.
✔️ Actionable tips tailored to the specifics of your job market.

Manage Projects with JIRA

Gain practical skills in project management using JIRA, enhancing your efficiency and employability.

JIRA Essentials:
✔️ Core JIRA functionalities tutorial.
✔️ Real-world project applications.

Who Can Apply

  1. Available for a part-time, remote internship.

  2. Able to start within the next two weeks.

  3. Committed for the full duration of the internship.

  4. Keen to learn and grow in the field.


Application Process

Step 1: Screening

During this initial phase, you will be asked to upload your resume. Our screening process focuses on assessing your potential to excel in your chosen career pathway, rather than just your past educational and professional experiences. You will be informed within 1 working day whether you have progressed to the next stage of the interview process.

Step 2: Interview and Selection

The interview allows you to learn more about our organization and enables us to determine if you are a good fit for the internship. No prior experience is necessary; we are primarily interested in your willingness to learn. If we find that you are a good match, you will be invited to join an upcoming cohort.

Step 3: Skill Development

Under the mentorship of our expert instructors and in collaboration with fellow interns, you will develop both technical and interpersonal skills. Success in this phase qualifies you to advance to the skill deployment phase. Here, you can apply your skills in practical settings such as a capstone project, or with one of our corporate partners, preparing you for real-world applications and enhancing your career prospects.

Step 4: Skill Deployment

During deployment, you will apply the skills you have learned and acquire new ones to fulfill project needs effectively. This comprehensive internship experience equips you with the necessary skills and experience to progress in your chosen career.

Apply Now

Excited to start the process?
Just one thing left to do.

Frequently Asked Questions

❓ Who is eligible to apply for the JavaScript Developer Internship? ⚡ Anyone passionate about web development and eager to learn JavaScript. Basic coding knowledge is helpful but not required. We welcome individuals eager to learn, regardless of prior experience. ❓ What are the main objectives of this internship? 🎯 The internship aims to develop your skills in JavaScript to build dynamic and interactive web applications. ❓ How is this internship delivered? 🌐 The internship is entirely remote, allowing you to participate from anywhere and manage your learning schedule effectively. ❓ Who will be instructing the internship? 👨‍🏫 Experienced JavaScript developers and educators will guide you through the learning process, ensuring you gain practical and actionable skills. ❓ What kind of projects will I work on during the internship? 🛠️ You will develop projects like an interactive calculator and a brick breaker game, which will help you apply JavaScript in fun, engaging ways. ❓ How much time do I need to dedicate to this internship weekly? ⏰ Expect to dedicate at least 10-15 hours per week to effectively absorb the material and work on projects. ❓ What technical skills will I gain from this internship? 🔧 You will master core JavaScript concepts, including ES6+, APIs, libraries, and frameworks, along with responsive web design techniques. ❓ Can I apply to multiple internships at once? ✅ Yes, you can apply for multiple internships if you can manage the workload, but it's essential to ensure you can commit the necessary time to each. ❓ What happens after the internship? Are there employment opportunities? 🚀 Successful completion of the internship can lead to freelance project opportunities, recommendations for further learning, or consideration for junior developer roles in partner companies. ❓ Is there any certification provided at the end of the internship? 📜 Yes, upon successful completion and meeting the project criteria, you will receive a Course Completion Certificate & Internship certificate that validates your skills and learning achievements.


*Please note: The credits earned in this program are recommended for transfer by the American Council on Education (ACE). While universities may choose to accept or decline these credits, both UET and ACE are fully committed to assisting students with the transfer process. Although we refer to this offering as an internship, it is structured as training enriched with real-life projects, which qualify it as an internship experience. We are dedicated to providing the highest quality education, which means the specifics of our program content—including included projects and the capstone project—may vary as we continually update and improve our courses. However, the core learning objectives and the quality of the educational experience will always remain top-notch and comprehensive

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*If we are not immediately available to answer your call or respond to your message, it is deemed that we have your consent to contact you later in response. We appreciate your patience and look forward to assisting you.

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