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Writer's pictureRebecca Mungai

Automated DevOps Pipeline: A Comprehensive Guide

Updated: Mar 27, 2023

Person learning Devops
Automated DevOps Pipeline

What is an Automated DevOps Pipeline? Simply put, it's a set of automated tools and processes that enable teams to continuously build, test, and deploy software changes. As the world of software development continues to evolve, DevOps practices have become increasingly important. In particular, the use of an automated DevOps pipeline can help to streamline the software development process and improve efficiency.

First, let's define some terms;

DevOps is a set of practices that combines software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops). The goal of DevOps is to shorten the development lifecycle and improve the quality of software releases.

An automated pipeline is a set of tools and processes that automate the software delivery process, from code commit to production deployment.

Stages in the Automated DevOps Pipeline

 Developers learning the stages in Automated DevOps Pipeline
Automated DevOps Pipeline

The automated devOps pipeline consists of several stages, each of which performs a specific task:

  1. Source code management: This stage involves using a version control system (VCS) to manage changes to the software codebase. The VCS enables multiple developers to work on the same codebase simultaneously and track changes over time.

  2. Continuous integration (CI): In this stage, the code changes are automatically compiled and tested to ensure that they don't break the existing codebase. If any issues are found, the development team is alerted so they can fix the issue before it's deployed to production.

  3. Continuous delivery (CD): Once the code has passed all the necessary tests, it's automatically deployed to a staging environment for further testing. This stage involves using automated scripts to deploy the code to the staging environment, as well as running automated tests to ensure that the code works as expected.

  4. Continuous deployment: In this stage, the code is automatically deployed to the production environment once it has passed all the necessary tests. This stage involves using automated scripts to deploy the code to the production environment and monitor it for any issues.

Tools used in the stages of Automated DevOps Pipeline

To implement an automated DevOps pipeline, you'll need to choose the right tools for each stage of the pipeline. Some popular tools for each stage include:

  • Source code management: Git, SVN

  • Continuous integration: Jenkins, Travis CI

  • Continuous delivery/deployment: Ansible, Puppet, Chef, Docker

Icons of some of the tools used in automated devops pipeline. These are GIT, Travis CI, Jenkins and Docker
Automated DevOps Pipeline

It's important to choose tools that integrate well with each other and can be easily automated. You'll also need to have a strong understanding of the DevOps pipeline process and how to automate each stage.

Courses on Automated DevOps Pipeline

As an ed-tech company, we offer courses on how to implement an automated DevOps pipeline. Our specializations are designed by industry experts, and are ACE approved, which means students can earn college credits and transfer them to their college.

These courses are carefully designed to provide our students with the necessary skills and knowledge to build and implement an automated DevOps pipeline. They are:

  1. Linux Fundamentals

  2. AWS Fundamentals

  3. DevOps

  4. Docker

Benefits of an Automated DevOps Pipeline

The benefits of an Automated DevOps Pipeline are numerous. First and foremost, it helps to reduce the time it takes to deliver new software features and fixes. By automating the delivery process, teams can release software changes faster and more frequently. This can help to improve customer satisfaction and drive revenue growth.

Additionally, an automated pipeline can help to improve the quality of software releases. By automating the testing process, teams can catch issues earlier in the development cycle, before they have a chance to affect customers. This can help to reduce the number of bugs and issues that make it into production.

Wheels of productivity turning
Automated DevOps Pipeline

Another benefit of an automated pipeline is that it enables teams to focus on higher-value tasks. By automating the repetitive tasks involved in the software delivery process, teams can spend more time on tasks that require human intervention, such as designing new features or troubleshooting issues.


In conclusion, an automated DevOps pipeline can help to improve the efficiency and quality of software delivery. By automating the process, teams can release software changes faster, improve the quality of releases, and focus on higher-value tasks. To implement an automated pipeline, it's important to choose the right tools and have a strong understanding of the process. With the right tools and processes in place, your organization can reap the benefits of an automated DevOps pipeline.

By enrolling in our courses, you'll gain the necessary skills to succeed in the tech industry. Our students receive live support from teaching assistants who are always available to help with any doubts or questions. In addition, we help our students prepare for the tech job market by providing support with career preparations, resume, and portfolio building.

Learn from industry experts and take advantage of our live support, career prep, and resume and portfolio building help. Enroll today and take the first step towards a career in DevOps with University of Emerging Technologies.


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