Dr Seeram Ramakrishna
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Dr Seeram Ramakrishna

Dr Seeram Ramakrishna

Advisory Board Member, University of Emerging Technologies

Professor Seeram Ramakrishna, FREng, Everest Chair is among the top three impactful authors at the National University of Singapore (NUS)Microsoft Academic ranked him among the top 25 authors out of three million materials researchers worldwide in H-index European study placed him among the only 500 researchers in the world with H-index above 150 in the history of science and technology. He chairs the Circular Economy Taskforce and a member of Enterprise Singapore’s ISO/TC323 committee on Circular Economy.

He received a PhD from the University of Cambridge, UK; TGMP from Harvard University, USA. He received numerous recognitions which include CUT Honorary Engineering Doctorate; APA Distinguished Researcher Award, IFEES President award- Global Visionary; GEDC Ambassador; ASEAN Outstanding Engineer Award; IES Prestigious Engineering Achievement Award; IITM Distinguished Alumni Award; NUS Outstanding Researcher Award; CPS Biomaterials Award; UK Cambridge Nehru Fellowship, and Singapore LKY Fellowship.

His academic leadership includes NUS’s Vice-President (Research Strategy); Dean of Faculty of Engineering; Director of NUS Enterprise; Director of NUS Industry Liaison Office; Founding Director of NUSBioengineering; Founding Co-Director of NUS Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Institute, NUSNNI. $100 million Global Water Center by GE was established under his watch as the Dean of Engineering. As a founding Chairman, he championed the establishment of ~ $100 million Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore, SERIS. He served as a board member of several national organizations, policy institutes, and tertiary education institutions. He founded the Global Engineering Deans Council (http://gedcouncil.org/ambassadors) while serving as the Vice-President of the International Federation of Engineering Educator Societies (IFEES).

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